Friday, April 25, 2008

Verbin' It in Wellingon

Wellington, New Zealand: The City of action, the city of verb. This place is so beautiful, McLean is so lucky to live here. A city purched around huge hills and gravitates around Mount Victoria, also aligning the city is a beautiful bay. The homegrown festival is taking place down on the waterfront right now, Salmonella Dub will be on stage any second so we will probably go down and check that out. We had good times in Auckland hangin' with Ross, but we eventually headed our seperate ways and we hopped on the NakedBus, which was a 12 hour bus ride from Auckland to Wellington. We got to see a ton of the country side and many prominent cities of the North Island. Also Lak Taupo was beautiful. The bus made stops roughly every hour or two so we got time to checkout a few different cities on the way. A group of rebel/punks on our bus got jumped by a crowd of skatboarders in North Porstman, eventually getting hit in the head with a skateboard. That was kind of intense. I sat next to a Victoria Uni student Tia on the way to Wellington, she was really nice and her folks were sheep farmers and teachers, I asked her folks if they needed any help but they seemed to be fine without us. The bus dropped us off in Wellington around 8 o'clock PM, we had no idea where Ben's house was or anything about the city. We were on our way to find internet at a hostel to contact Ben via E-mail so we could meet up. Out of nowhere a character comes sprinting towards us with a huge smile on his face. BEN! So happy to see him. He lead us to get food at the grocery then we headed up to his place in the hills. We arrived here Wednesday the 23rd and have been hanging around the beautiful city ever since. The plan is to take off for The greatest walk in the world," Which is the Milford Track, and also hit the Milford Sound as well. Tia Ora to all.

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