Friday, April 18, 2008

Day 1-2, Towards, on Away from Friso

So Tubby, Feigum and I packed in my car and headed to mpls. to meet our flight towards San Fran, we made a stop at Megan G's house to dropoff Tubby's book, we ended up chatting a bit and printing off our plane tickets, only to realize we forgot to book a return flight home from frisco to mpls. Luckily, we found a return flight for only 135 bones, so we were set. We passed out at Welle and Erik's humble abode (thanks for the couch space), woke up around 9 am. and started walking towards the Metrodome, loaded with 2 months worth of living in our packs. Boarded our flight from Minneapolis to Dallas, which got us no closer to Frisco, but was the cheapest route I could find. We chilled around in the Dallas airport for awhile, I ate shitty overpriced Baja Turkey Sandwhich and we were on our way to The Golden City.....out of be continued.

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