Monday, June 28, 2010

June 27th. Sunday evening. 2:32. Feeling as always, like I stayed up too late. But counter to that, I feel over the last 5-6 years, a great deal of my thinking has been done while listening to music and researching various interests and ideas on the internets. But, still, 2:30 is pretty freakin' late to most people.

I just had a weekend that I was supposed to be locked up at PRACS for 42 hours, but it ended up only being 24 hours. I stayed in Friday night preparing for the lock-up. So my entire weekend was spent without much socialization of friends. I took some time to relax alone at the lake last weekend, which felt nice to simplify my life and enjoy the offerings of the lake cabin. But now I am longing for an outing with many good friends, so It's time to make that happen this coming weekend.

The juicer is really coming in handy. Made myself some fresh squeezed organic raspberry lemonade today, a bit tart, but refreshing as heck. Not to mention the 2 gallons of Komboucha I bottled today that was ready to go after 2 weeks of fermentation. No more paying $4.00/Bottle...

Recomendations for all: Over the course of the last 6 months to one year, Noam Chomsky, Derrick Jensen, and documentaries such as "Orwell Rolls in his Grave" have really solidified my belief that the masses world-wide are massively and intentionally mislead. Topics such as Public Relations/Advertising and their roots in America. The Military Industrial Complex, The consolidation of Media, should all be things every citizen should know.
Nader has done so much for society, and the most horrible and painful thing about it all, is that mass media has convinced society to hate him, because he is trumpeting to end all of their horrible atrocities. He has been touring the country for decades, explaining how apathy is the true killer in society, we need to be engaged, it is the only way a functioning democracy will actually function. But then, Chomsky introduced me into the tactics at how the powerful, the elites, the to-doers with the tools of wealth and power intentionally are always misleading the public to NOT care about these things that effect the human lives most.

Humans of Fargo, North Dakota, USA, North America, World. Our society has an incredible amount of potential. I know we've been desensitized day-in day-out by the atrocities we see every single day across mass media's headlines. Humans are starving. Bombs are blasting. Rivers parched. Ecosystems degrading . Yes, it is all too real. And I thought ending slavery was a big deal in America, yet we continue to perpetuate slavery in other nations by supporting brands who pay children pennies to produce goods for Americans and our endless gluttony of wants. We have a staggering number of voters who don't even feel the need to show up on election day. The numbers are usually lurking around 50% turnout. That is an embarrassment. But of what? Who influences these people. The ever consolidating media? Yes. To be Continued.................

The top 0.01 percent of earners in the US are now taking home six percent of all the income,
the top 10 percent of earners in America now receive nearly 50 percent of all the income earned in the United States

These data suggest that wealth is concentrated in the hands of a small number of families. The wealthiest 1 percent of families owns roughly 34.3% of the nation's net worth, the top 10% of families owns over 71%, and the bottom 40% of the population owns way less than 1%.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Suppose I will dust off this lil guy. I read a friend's blog update, and she was writing casually about her life, and it urged me to just write more. I should write more. We all should write more. We all heavily underestimate our brain's ability to forget information of the past. Writing is good to store past moments, but don't rely on it too heavily said Socrates, because instead of using your brain to remember things, you will just always rely on written word.

In heavy contemplation here tonight. Friday night, hangin' out at the crib, deciding if I should do a Pracs study for $400 that starts tomorrow morning. Would def. help with funding a trip this summer, along with a certified kitchen for ancient roots biz, and for harvest fest. Thinkin I will donate my bod to science for a couple days.

Life has been busier lately then it has in the last year or two. With two delivery jobs, plus the gardening gig ranging around 15 hours a week. I love what we are doing, it is a challenge at times starting a food company from nothing. So many things to take into account, we just want to grow nutritious food that will benefit the community, but there are so many challenges, which is good.

Even in the counter-culture groups in which I sometimes dwell, I used to admire this sector for their ability to not transform to trends, to do things practically, not sheepishly. But over the years, I've noticed we are all basically just sheep. That at festivals, the same unpractical trends form, followers. Just the same as people following the latest trends in Vogue, and that is where the ego builds from there.

with all the various divisive labels our culture throws around, its pretty easy to create cynical judgments towards eachother that separate us.Nerd, Preppy, Goth, Hipster, Guido,Hippie,Frat Boy (are some culture has created that come to mind)These titles are thrown around as if we completely know and understand the individual based off one tiny blanket assumption society has created. Remember, we are all humans, we all have to eat,shit, and sleep. And we are all just trying to figure out the best way to do so.What's funny is these labels are all manifestations of us trying to be our own creative and individual selves, by expressing certain traits and appearing a certain way . But in reality there is no way we can deeply understand somebody based off a catch-phrase blanket label of somebody else. Be curious, not cynically judgmental.